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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est map. Afficher tous les articles

lundi 16 décembre 2024

Extra : using the Castle Guide rules to build almost anything

 As I promised in the previous article, let me show you some extra use of these rules

Actually, the Castle Guide rules give you the opportunity to build separate buildings from separate modules : small, medium, large, great, grand of different materials : wood or stone.

Starting from there, it is possible, for instance, to build a simple wooden house.

This one would be made up of :

  • 1 building, small, wooden (8 man.week, 40 GP) ;
  • 4 roof modules (4 man.week, 20 GP) ;
  • 4 floor modules (4 man.week, 20 GP).

Thus, a small house would require 16 man.week (ie 16 men during a week of work) and 80 GP


It could also be a medium wooden house :

  • 1 building, medium, wooden (12 man.week, 60 GP) ;
  • 8 roof modules (8 man.week, 40 GP) ;
  • 8 floor modules (8 man.week, 40 GP).
For a total cost of 28 man.week and 140 GP.

Or it could also be made up of stone :



112 man.week and 3080 GP

Or a mix of two different buildings. Here two small buildings (wooden and stone) :


  • 1 building, small, wooden (8 man.week, 40 GP) ;
  • 1 building, small, stone (64 man.week, 2000 GP) ;
  • 4 roof modules (4 man.week, 20 GP) ;
  • 8 floor modules (8 man.week, 40 GP).

For a total cost of 84 man.week and 2100 GP.

And so on...


A large wooden building in a non-linear shape :

Or a great stone building :

Another great stone building but in a non-linear shape :


If you want to add further detail, you can even split inner spaces into different rooms by adding wooden walls (same characteristics as floor and roof). You could also surround it with a palissade...

Basically almost anything is achievable thanks to these rules. Like this farm :

You and your players can now build any kind of building with a coherent pricing system.

Would you like to try it ? Do not hesitate to share your own creations !

mercredi 1 novembre 2023

New Development Driven Map Drawing (DDMD) project : rebuilding Kalkaat

Considering the previous experience of DDMD I will now implement it to a town from Warhammer old world called Kalkaat. This town is a major place in my campaign but there is little lore about it in the official documentation.

I've considered that at first, Kalkaat was just a milestone on the road to Marienburg. A simple relay-Inn among farms in the forest at the junction of the road and the haling way along the Reik River.

Yet, a particular stone nearby is considered a sacred since Sigmar's era.

dimanche 27 août 2023

Developement driven map drawing - Real case study

 Following this link you can see plans of the normand city Rouen through ages. From the roman empire to the mid XXth century.

Follow this link to check it out.

There would be so much to study and say about it. Yet, in several ways, it validates my previous work.

lundi 21 août 2023

Development Driven Map Drawing (part 6 : Expansion)

 This will most probably be the final expansion of this first project. I will ink it next and it will be done.



It was so interesting and inspiring to do. I would recommend to do the same. I know there is so much I can still improve in my technique. Any advice or example will be more than welcome before starting a new project.

samedi 19 août 2023

Development driven map drawing (part 5: Fortifications)

 As the town densifies on, riches and population are attracting bandits and looters. Firstly watch towers are built then a stockade to protect the perimeter. At least, the southern bank for now.

As the population grows, the number of deceased people increases as well. What once was considered as an holy place in the wood is now turned into a cemetery.

Northwest of the town, a stone-pit is dug in the cliffs to provide it with stone.

jeudi 17 août 2023

Development driven map drawing (part 4 : Densifying)

 Thanks to several feedback I got from the previous work, I kept on developing the town.

One clever remark mentioned that building a bridge costs a lot. So the city should first grow on one bank only. As a consequence, I have densified the buildings on the first bank. As the population keep growing, the city house are now almost stacking up on each other. The fields are now pushed a bit further clearing some more woods.

mercredi 16 août 2023

Development driven map drawing (part 3 : First Buildings)

 With the fording being a mandatory waypoint in the area, people will soon set up nearby : first an inn, then shops, workshops and houses. As the people live around, natural shortcuts are drawn.

The increasing demand for food makes the people clear more land for agriculture and fields grow around. A water-powered mill is built on the river bank to grind the wheat.

Of course the fording is soon not enough so more wood is chopped down to build a bridge.

Some may prefer isolating, or they may have found a richer soil elsewhere. As a consequence, remote farms flourish in the area.

Stay tuned by subscribing to my Blog and watch the city grow further...

What would you build ? What would be your next step ? Please answer in the comment section.






Development driven map drawing (part 2 : transportation paths)

 Before setting up, people are moving. Thus have I materialized a couple of paths across the forest. Arbitrary coming from the four main directions, I considered a mandatory crossing point of the river at the fording.

mardi 15 août 2023

Development driven map drawing (part 1 : landscape)

 Considering that cities do not pop out of nowhere, I am carrying out an experiment with my map drawings. I will try to build the map as the city would be built from the very beginning.

Let's consider at first this standard landscape :

 Only rivers flowing from the mountains through a vast forest...

Stay tuned to see how people will settle this area. Meanwhile, feel free to give your idea on what it should look like. You can even download the map and work directly on it.

samedi 4 mars 2023

Kalkaat : map v3 in progress...

Here is the last version of the map. Several improvments :
  • city size is more consistent with the overall population;
  • added : main road to the north towatd Marienburg is now going through the town;
  • the garden of Morr is now located outside the walls.