I will have to face a major delay in publishing the new version of the application "Dice For Heroquest".
As you may know, Google Store will only accept 64bits applications. So I had to start converting it. Which implied installing a new version of Unity and, as a consequence, new versions of AndroidSDK and AndroidNDK. So far I'm still facing a compatibility problem between Unity 2019.3.0b4 and AndroidNDK 19 though it is the version required by Unity.
I'm investigating it... Sorry for the inconvenience.
Here is still a pic of the work in progress :
Originally dedicated to HeroQuest, this blog has evolved to Roleplaying Games... You will find here various resources for several games. Do not hesitate to explore and comment.
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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est unity. Afficher tous les articles
mercredi 25 septembre 2019
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