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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Interview. Afficher tous les articles

mercredi 4 mars 2020

Interview with Martin

Q: Martin, now that we have seen your impressive work on this project. Could you tell us a bit more about you?

A: I am Martin Long. I'm 42. I live in Huddersfield West Yorkshire in the UK.

Q : How and when did you start playing Heroquest?

A : I have been into HQ since 1989. Yup a long time.

Q : How often do you play HQ?

A : I try and game as much as I can really.

Q : Which is your favorite role (Elve, Barbarian, Dwarf, Wizard or Zargon)?

A : My fave character is the Barbarian. But I am creating a Paladin character too.

Q : Where did this project of reviving Heroquest come from?

A : I started this project whilst recuperating from a mild cardiac event as it was called. Just because I love Heroquest and wanted a copy without paying the earth for it. So I just took it from there.
I started sculpting miniatures a few years ago out of love for the hobby and wanting my own minis I suppose.

Q : Do you have any other project like this in progress?

A : I am wanting to do several other classic games if I can too. May do advanced heroquest and space hulk. But I don't really want to have to source a ton of Genestealers etc. I want to keep it simple.

Q : You told me you are sculpting figures for other players. Could you tell us a bit more about your activity?

A :  Well I am a commission miniatures sculptor. But I like to do my own work for fun. So I may sculpt my own take on the original characters. Me and my 6 Yr old daughter love to play D&d and other games together too. So it's been fun for both of us.

Q : Thank you very much for your answers. Would you like to add something?

A : You are welcome. Well, all I can say is I mainly do this for fun and the love of the hobby. I have tons of ideas but so little time as always. Plus limited funds. My wife is registered disabled so we spend a lot of time together too. Plus my day job. We are a very creative household she is a master crocheter and crafter also.