Q: Martin, now that we have seen your impressive work on this project. Could you tell us a bit more about you?
A: I am Martin Long. I'm 42. I live in Huddersfield West Yorkshire in the UK.
Q : How and when did you start playing Heroquest?
A : I have been into HQ since 1989. Yup a long time.
Q : How often do you play HQ?
A : I try and game as much as I can really.
Q : Which is your favorite role (Elve, Barbarian, Dwarf, Wizard or Zargon)?
A : My fave character is the Barbarian. But I am creating a Paladin character too.
Q : Where did this project of reviving Heroquest come from?
A : I started this project whilst recuperating from a mild cardiac event as it was called. Just because I love Heroquest and wanted a copy without paying the earth for it. So I just took it from there.
I started sculpting miniatures a few years ago out of love for the hobby and wanting my own minis I suppose.
Q : Do you have any other project like this in progress?
A : I am wanting to do several other classic games if I can too. May do advanced heroquest and space hulk. But I don't really want to have to source a ton of Genestealers etc. I want to keep it simple.
Q : You told me you are sculpting figures for other players. Could you tell us a bit more about your activity?
A : Well I am a commission miniatures sculptor. But I like to do my own work for fun. So I may sculpt my own take on the original characters. Me and my 6 Yr old daughter love to play D&d and other games together too. So it's been fun for both of us.
Q : Thank you very much for your answers. Would you like to add something?
A : You are welcome. Well, all I can say is I mainly do this for fun and the love of the hobby. I have tons of ideas but so little time as always. Plus limited funds. My wife is registered disabled so we spend a lot of time together too. Plus my day job. We are a very creative household she is a master crocheter and crafter also.
Originally dedicated to HeroQuest, this blog has evolved to Roleplaying Games... You will find here various resources for several games. Do not hesitate to explore and comment.
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Martin. Afficher tous les articles
Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Martin. Afficher tous les articles
mercredi 4 mars 2020
mardi 3 mars 2020
Martin's reviving Heroquest project
For the first time on this Blog I'm featuring another Reviving Heroquest project. This one is carried out by Martin. He revived his own Heroquest from scratch by printing materials on cards. The result is quite impressive and should it be not sufficient he also sculpted his own figures.
The main board was printed on a 180g paper stuck on a 3mm mounting board :
The rule book has been aged by burning and staining the pages from a notebook with an amazing result :
He also printed the cards, figures and doors :
These printed minis are temporary until he can sculpt all the figures (see below).
Finally He also sculpted his own figures :
The main board was printed on a 180g paper stuck on a 3mm mounting board :
The rule book has been aged by burning and staining the pages from a notebook with an amazing result :
He also printed the cards, figures and doors :
These printed minis are temporary until he can sculpt all the figures (see below).
Finally He also sculpted his own figures :
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